Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two awesome things and yet another section

Thing one: Magic cards circa 2002. The have mirrodin drafts online as a promotion the last two weeks or so. The format is just so awesome. Me and rob noticed instantly that modern limited is way too fast. The creatures are just too big; you have no time to set anything cool up. If they play a two and three drop, you simply have to kill them or play an equally huge guy right away. In Mirridon block, the only way to get in for more than 2 is to equip a guy, a play that takes timing, combinations, and interactivity because they can blow up your artifact or your dude and change everything. Lots of time you do things like play t2 v. morningstar/spawning pit, t3 pearl shard and just use your time to set up complicated and interactive board states. Its awesome and fun limited magic, almost every game. Even the bombs are so interactive. You beat them all the time, even the best ones. Anyway, formats in which the games go to turn 12 are awesome. And mirrodin is so much better than a base set, because the cards are so interesting and their are lots of combinations.

Thing two: convincing your brother to play tennis after work so instead of just going home and doing electronic things, you get to play sports!!! Also, pretty excited to watch USA get outclassed against Spain tomorrow.

Speaking of sports, new suspense/question but wait for the answer section: In a typical baseline rally, how many full rotations of topspin does a R. Nadal forehand spin? To be clear, the ball is traveling about 100 mph and it takes about one full second before it lands on the side of the court. The answer next time.


  1. Is a "section" like a "column"?

  2. No, a column goes up and down mostly. A section is more like a rectangle. Like Heather's bf's tattoos.

  3. So...your humor column goes up and down mostly? and your sports section is a rectangle. Got it.

