Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mostly magic stuff

10/4/09: Pretty sure the reason I got sick is simply smoking cigarettes. Not sure how that's possible but that's what happened.

Vintage is a pretty silly format. Not sure how to attack it really. The problem is with restriction. It forces the decks to have diverse plans. Tinker is too powerful a card to not play, even in a deck that would normally want nothing to do with that kind of thing. same with y. will. Its hard to build deckbuilding edge when 40 of your 60 is a lock and overloading against any one plan (i.e. what good is wasteland and crucible against moxen?) is sure to leave you scratching your head when they play yag will into your hand of pyroblasts. In other news, key and vault is the real deal and for sure the best plan.

Speaking of, a funny thing happened. This super punky (not in the music genre way, but in the I like the Mets and and very very grumpy, even when playing magic cards) kid started taking infinite turns against me. So I for sure lose, but I ask him to show me a way to kill me. Then he goes into this big speech about how he never will, and will just do nothing all day. So I call a judge. Mets fan starts going through the motion, topping, being very careful with untapping, taking extra turns, doing lots of nothing on purpose to eat clock. Judge seems him playing regular fast and leaves. Kids continues for 25-30 minutes of not winning on purpose. I recall the judge because I know the correct ruling. Judge still does nothing. Eventually with about 12 min on the clock I am forced to concede to a timetwister (he had two cards in his library) which would let him burn the rest of the clock for sure. Unfortunately I didn't give myself enough time, and I didn't have enough time to finish him in game two. So I lose, nbd, and am kind of kicking myself about not leaving myself 3 more min.

But..... vindication... of sorts. Judge probably talked to someone after the round and figured it out but anyways the kids gets DQed for stalling. Gotta advance that game state. I still get the loss, which sort of sucks because there is no reason that ruling should not have happened in match but I top 8ed anyway.

Friend dumping is complete. frowns.