Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness

3/31/09: I have decided that my life is too awesome. (Its possible. Take my word.) I have also decided that the balance of power has tilted away from me and towards various other things in formulating how happy I am at any given time.

My solution to these problems is "No Fun April." It is what is sounds like. I will be having no fun in the month of April. I will be abstaining from caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, animal products of all variety, orgasms, major chords, first dates, cheering for sports teams that compete near my place of residence, and Saturday morning cartoons. You are free to call me about if you see me partaking in these activities. Some of these abstentions should be particularly painful as I am probably addicted to at least some of those things.

I will also be engaging in activities that are no fun. These include but are not limited to: giving blood, housework and cleaning, flossing and other acts of excessive hygiene, volunteering, retail shopping, organizing things, writing thank you letters, exercising, and self-improvement. Gross.

This is my record of No Fun April. Check back for daily reports about just how soul-deafeningly dull my life is about to become.