Thursday, June 25, 2009

Getting new things and getting "it"

6/25/09: For a do nothing day, lots of awesome things happened. I (shock of shocks) did some retail shopping (well, Buffalo exchange, but it felt like the real deal to me) and bought some joker-purple jeans and some white ones too. Me and my brother actually did so manly work in preparation for berfday. Oh, btw, I have a back door now. Jealous? Then, at Home Depot, there was a sign about some promotion and how if the cashier didn't mention it you get a free coke. But no one in front of me in line said anything. I must admit that I was a little bit nervous about bringing it up and didn't know when was the right time. Like, can't she just say that she was about to tell you. So I waited until I was walking away. She...was...not...happy. I asked her if she had to pay for it herself and she said yes. Then said no. So I have no idea, but I got free soda which is pretty much unbeatable. I think coke even had commercials for awhile where the whole premise is someone who gives away coca-cola and how that makes everyone love them and life.

Bought fancy condoms today. A little bit scared, because what if they are super awesome and then I can't go back to cheap regular ones. I am trying to maintain a doable lifestyle.

Sports: A nadal forehand spins 80 times before it touches the ground. Its spinning 18 times as fast as its moving!!! I can't even imagine it in my head if I try to slow down the ball and make a picture. Like the only way I can even pretend is if I keep the ball completely still and have it spin slowly.

More sports: U-S-A!!!! U-S-A!!! If you don't know what this means, you can can send back your patriot card immediately please. You're aren't necessarily a terrorist (does this mean the government reads my blog now?) but you aren't a good person either. We probably have no chance against Brazil, but to be honest, we didn't even belong in this game to begin with.

Keeping up with the blogs: Siobhan Harper has a blog. Don't ask, never read it. I just think its funny because its called something like Her Majesty of Sarcasm or something. Which is the opposite of Siobhan Hagan super earnest blog about the death of sincerity and how to help people in a broken world. This is a pretty dumb point because I wouldn't be bringing it up if they were two Kristinas or whatever, but give me a break.


  1. did andy write the first paragraph or did you really buy purple and white jeans? i never want to see them on your body.

  2. I saw white jeans last night. It was weird, like hanging out with Sue Pinto. Not that she's weird. But Conrad as Spinto is weird.

  3. She didn't have to pay for it. LIAR!
    'condoms' = 'doable lifestyle'. Accidental funny?

  4. I am proud to be the go-to fag jeans suspect.
