Monday, April 13, 2009

Fake it 'til you make it

4/13/09: In general, Ben G.'s prediction has proved correct. I have been less than diligent in my quest to do unfun things. I did lots of kitchen cleaning today so that counts I guess. Plus I did some things that could go either way: buying vegetables in large quantities for my personal consumption, library chores (I let my brother call his movie. He picked Ghostbusters. I delivered.) and the old job search although lets be honest: if i really wanted one, I'd probably have one.

The big news of the day is no fun. Me and Jay played baseball across the street and go figure: he is a total stud and I still can't hit (from when I was 12 and last played). It's not that I never touch the bat to the ball, but its rare, and when I do its at best a hard ground ball.

I spend the majority of the day winning at magic cards too fast, and then burning time by reading the wikipedia entry on game theory, especially games where irrational choices trump rational choices. Try this one: A group of people all guess a number, all aiming to guess 2/3 of the average of the group. The solution to this problem is zero, but no one every guesses that, not even mathematicians. I also got reminded about a sweet auction that works as normal except the second place finisher also has to pay the second place bid. Awesome stuff happens when auctioning off a twenty dollar bill where the last two people actually bid past twenty dollars after getting caught in a sunk cost fallacy, trying to lose a penny (on a bid of 20.01), instead of twenty bucks.

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