Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Men in Blue>PPA

4/14/09: What happens when you go to bed early in order to wake up the next morning to do some real work (i.e., anything involving houses I don't own or anything that is hard that I don't get paid for) and blood for money schemes? Answer: you sleep for 15 hours and still wake up in the afternoon? How is this even possible?! Its not like I am sleeping a little bit more than the average person. I sleep twice as much as one! I am partially blaming no drug lifestyle; I always get a little sleepy when I quit cigarettes, plus booze puts me out, and coffee is a no brainer I guess. But I'd I would also like to take advantage of my career free lifestyle while it lasts and that means being productive for more than 10 hours a day.

Today started off being in contention for the most no fun day of April. It rained. alot. obviously. But then I cut myself shaving this morning before work (4pm). And it bled and bled. It wasn't a big cut, and at first I just treated it normally, with a bit of toilet paper to soak and clot and whatnot. My brother is now the owner of the computer (still not sure how he pulled this off) so I try to watch a Margaret Cho dvd I took out of the library. She is unbearable now btw. My face is still bleeding when I leave the house an hour later. On the way to work I get pulled over for turning right on red where I shouldn't have. My face is still bleeding but I somehow manage to juggle putting a tissue to it to soak up blood and the officer doesn't even mention it. When he does the usual "do you know why I pulled you over?" routine I don't even fake it and tell him why. I am so guilty that I don't even try to get out of it, already thinking about blogging about how no fun I am having and how everyone should feel sorry for me for making such bad decisions (quitting drinking, breaking the rules of the road, having a pizza delivery job to begin with, etc.). Mind you that it is raining really hard at this point and the cop is getting pretty soaked coming back and forth. He comes back with my stuff and just says "Try to be careful." I look up, notice it is a guy who comes into Rustica all the time, and probably squeak out a "Thanks alot" although it probably just sounded like a muffed mumble. Then as he turns to walk away he adds to his "Try to be careful" some sick burns: "especially when its raining" "especially when there are cars coming" (true) and "put on your seat belt". I will exchange sick burns for no ticket any day. [an online apology to Frank that I hope he never gets the satisfaction of reading: my boss always talks about the above scenario but it never happened to me before and I didn't believe him as I have gotten a ticket with pizzas sitting next to me in the car. I owe him one for giving away his product in exchange for political favor. Go corruption.]

From there everything pretty much turned around. My shift was chill, Ian played Little Richard at the shop, I danced to it, the Mexicans made fun of me. When I got home I tried to get my stealing music off the internet groove back. I learned a little bit about .rar's and such but mostly miss napster. My iTunes is very embarrassing. It sucks to already be on the downward arc of my taste lifespan.

Jay and Emmy (his gf) when to Dave and Buster's tonight. Wasn't sure that was something people did, but okay. They did this weird thing where a program combines a picture of each of you and tells you what your baby will look like. Is it me or is this the most awkward/leading thing you could possibly do with your S.O.? Its like that girl who "casually" talks about the wedding ring she wants "some day".

One last thing. How the fuck was I a vegan for 5 years? Not to say I didn't cheat then too. But only once in a blue moon and it wasn't even a thing where guilt was the motivating force from keeping me on the straight and narrow. I just did it. Cruelty is way too good of a lifestyle.

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