Friday, April 24, 2009

Heist Lessons, Part one: deny, deny, deny

4/24/09: Took off both my shifts today. Not sure why. Just didn't feel like going in.

Hung out with old Temple friends tonight. It was fun i guess but I remember why I don't hang out with them all that much. Maybe its me (or maybe I have more fun when I drink) but I just can't get anything going with them it seems.

Best part was on the way out someone came to knock on the door but I opened it right as he did. He asked me whose OCR-2 that was, and then he pointed to my bike and I told him it was mine. Then he goes into this weird thing where he asked me where I got it and what my name was and all these questions. And I give him what I think are good lies but basically he convinces me that it actually is his bike. (or was, sucker) Then he says, " Where do you live, fishtown?" (where I got the bike) but I lie and say I'm from the Norfeast. But it backfires because then he asks me if I know Jesse and Jay, the twins, because they are from the northeast. I lie about that too and am on my way somehow without him just beating me up and taking his bike back but he said, "I hope you aren't lying to me, because I am around." So now I'm scared that the drug dealer I stole my bike from is going to get me.

Tomorrow is a big day: Prerelease, fishtown party thing at Penn Treaty, Thad's pizza party, Holly's Mii party. We will see if I can do it all and still have no fun.

Who wants to throw me a May 1st Fun Party ? It's a friday and I deserve it (even though I broke most of the rules).


  1. That's like that one time I called that guy out on stealing my bike months later, and he gave it back to me. I took it, even though it was really shitty and barely worked anymore. Principle.

    I kind of think you should give it back if you can. Getting robbed is the worst.

  2. Its not like I robbed him. He left his bike in a apartment that he got evicted from. He could have taken it if he had really cared about it. Or maybe he could have paid rent.

  3. 1. I'm scared for you for real. How's he not going to find out who you are?

    2. I think something's already happening May 1st, but I like the idea. Give me a minute to try to remember.

  4. we are celebrating the imminent communist revolution may 1st- it's mayday
