Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pretty Women

4/5/09: I have finally solved one the of the great mysteries of modern times: Why do all (with a few notable exceptions, Alyssa maybe) straight edge kids quit right as they graduate college? This has bothered me for some time because it seemed like if you could make it through college and all the "partying" and "peer pressure" (quotes because those things don't exist really, only parties and peers) then why would you change music related lifestyle just as you become a capital G grownup? I used to think it was because the adult world had less tolerance for alternative lifestyle choices (which is probably true), see business meetings at bars and toasts at weddings, etc. But I learned the real reason last night when I sobered all the way through a party Deven's friends Donna and Bev invited me too. WHEN YOU ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE LIFE IS REALLY AWESOME EVEN SANS ALCOHOL. All you "No Fun April" literalists can quit now, because last night I certainly cheated under your definition. Who needs beer goggles when everybody is a 21 year old art student in impossibly good outfits? Who needs cocktail courage to hit the dancefloor when Bev is constantly freaking out like a crazy person inspiring the masses to make it happen? Who needs a cigarette to pass the time when people you've never meet before challenge you to a thumb war? (I dominated btw) XXX people quit because the ratio of impossibly good looking (me and Deven played "find someone you would kick out of your bed" game last night) people drops sharply right as you graduate. Alcohol makes those situations alot more interesting than they would be otherwise. If I could just live at parties like last night's, I might quit the bottle for good.

I took Pretty Woman out of the library because I hadn't seen it and its something people talk about alot. It certainly fit in with the theme of the month when i watched it today. A short word on rom-coms: does anyone else feel like they are basically chick porn? This movie has the craziest premise ever: young, handsome, superrich, single guy (this person doesn't exist to start with, for the same reason you never find a hundred dollar bill on the ground, scarcity. I'm kinda an economist, trust me) picks up a hooker, not for sex, but just on a whim of course, and they end up falling in love and actually play out a simulation of knight in shining armor fantasy. I find the idea of sex turning into love so unromantic. Just as unromantic as male centered porn, to be honest. It comes off just as false. Its funny that that in this regard men are more sentimental than women. Don't get me wrong: I'm not opposed to either fantasy. No judgement from me for wanting the impossible, just pointing it out. Its also a funny parallel that both genres are so formulaic, that when it comes to fantasy people just want the same exact story over and over as if any deviation could cause the whole thing to fall to peices.


  1. I like reading your giant paragraph thoughts as a blog 75% more than as a facebook "note" and probably 95% more than I like people who work at American Apparel.

  2. I spent the night with teenagers too. They just walk right up to you and start talking!!! They smile!!!
